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MMSZ5254B_129722.PDF Datasheet

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ATV15C580J-G ATV15C580JB-G ATV15CJ750A-G ATV15CJ75 Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=58V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=64.1V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=64.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=90V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=214V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=214V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=10V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=150V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=100V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=17V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=12V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=120V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=140V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=16V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=130V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=15V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=160V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=13V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=11V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=7V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=7.5V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=7.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=111V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=136V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=136V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=128V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=102V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=10.2V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=12.8V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=9.4V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=15.3V, Tolerance=5%
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Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=85.5V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=111V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=145V, Tolerance=10%
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Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=77.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=13.6V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=11.1V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=12.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=33.3V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=17.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=47.8V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=78V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=20V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=70.1V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=60V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=5.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=299.3V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=444.6V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=444.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=342.9V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=342.9V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=470.3V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=43.6V, Tolerance=10%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=43.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=23.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=23.1V, Tolerance=10%
Comchip Technology
NTE5232A NTE5174A NTE5191A NTE5191AK NTE5205AK NTE Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 170V. Zener test current Izt = 15mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 150V. Zener test current Izt = 17mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 130V. Zener test current Izt = 19mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 110V. Zener test current Izt = 23mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 100V. Zener test current Izt = 25mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 87V. Zener test current Izt = 29mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 68V. Zener test current Izt = 37mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 60V. Zener test current Izt = 43mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 51V. Zener test current Izt = 50mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 47V. Zener test current Izt = 55mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 43V. Zener test current Izt = 60mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 36V. Zener test current Izt = 70mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 30V. Zener test current Izt = 85mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 27V. Zener test current Izt = 95mA.
Zener Diode, 10 Watt ±5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 10 Watt 【5% Tolerance
Zener Diode 10 Watt 5% Tolerance
Zener Diode / 10 Watt 5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 10 Watt % Tolerance
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 28V. Zener test current Izt = 90mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 33V. Zener test current Izt = 75mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 39V. Zener test current Izt = 65mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 45V. Zener test current Izt = 55mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 50V. Zener test current Izt = 50mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 56V. Zener test current Izt = 45mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 62V. Zener test current Izt = 40mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 75V. Zener test current Izt = 33mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 91V. Zener test current Izt = 28mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 105V. Zener test current Izt = 25mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 120V. Zener test current Izt = 20mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 140V. Zener test current Izt = 18mA.
Zener diode, 10 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 160V. Zener test current Izt = 16mA.
NTE[NTE Electronics]
NTE Electronics, Inc.
Sony, Corp.
NTE5061A NTE5062A NTE5063A NTE5064A NTE5065A NTE50 Zener diode, 1 watt, -5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 68V. Zener test current Izt = 3.7mA.
Zener Diode, 1 Watt ±5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1 Watt 【5% Tolerance
Zener Diode 1 Watt 5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1 Watt 5% Tolerance
Zener Diode / 1 Watt 5% Tolerance
surface mount silicon Zener diodes 硅表面贴装齐纳二极管
Zener Diode, 1 Watt % Tolerance
NTE[NTE Electronics]
Mitsubishi Electric, Corp.
NTE Electronics, Inc.
ATV50C101JB-G ATV50C110J-G ATV50C110JB-G ATV50C111 Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=100V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=11V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=110V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=12V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=120V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=60V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=75V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=70V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=78V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=40V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=130V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=13V, Tolerance=5%
Comchip Technology
5KP58CA-G 5KP80A-G 5KP80CA-G 5KP350A-G 5KP350CA-G Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=58V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=80V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=350V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=250V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=14V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=51V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=48V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=17V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=26V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=19V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=78V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=5000Watts, V-RWM=64V, Tolerance=5%
Comchip Technology
PCBFA80C49P PCBFA80C39 PCBFA80C49WP PCB80C39 PCB80 CAPACITOR, CLASS Y2 47NFCAPACITOR, CLASS Y2 47NF; Capacitance:47nF; Voltage rating, AC:250V; Voltage rating, DC:2500V; Capacitor dielectric type:Polypropylene; Series:B81122; Tolerance, :20%; Tolerance, -:20%; Temp, op. 单芯位CMOS微机
NXP Semiconductors N.V.
TV02W150B-HF TV02W120B-HF TV02W280B-HF TV02W330B-H Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P<sub>PPM</sub>=200Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=15V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P<sub>PPM</sub>=200Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=12V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P<sub>PPM</sub>=200Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=28V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P<sub>PPM</sub>=200Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=33V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P<sub>PPM</sub>=200Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=36V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P<sub>PPM</sub>=200Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=30V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P-PPM=200Watts, V-RWM=58V, Tolerance=5%
Halogen Free Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Diodes, P-PPM=200Watts, V-RWM=75V, Tolerance=5%
Comchip Technology
1008CS-152XKLC 1008CS-681XKLC 1008CS-471XKLB 1008C OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance. 1 ELEMENT, 1.5 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance. 1 ELEMENT, 0.68 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance. 1 ELEMENT, 0.47 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
RF inductor, ceramic core, 5% tol, SMT, RoHS 1 ELEMENT, 3.3 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance. 1 ELEMENT, 0.15 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance. 1 ELEMENT, 0.1 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance. 1 ELEMENT, 2.2 uH, GENERAL PURPOSE INDUCTOR, SMD
Coilcraft, Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
MITSUBISHI[Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor]
1812CS-103XKBC OBSOLETE when inventory is depleted. 10% tolerance no longer offered. Change &apos;K&apos; to &apos;J&apos; for 5% tolerance.
28LV010RPDE-25 28LV010RT1DE-25 28LV010RT2DE-25 28L    3.3V 1 Megabit (128K x 8-Bit) EEPROM
3.3V 1 Megabit (128K x 8-Bit) EEPROM 128K X 8 EEPROM 3V, 200 ns, DFP32
3.3V 1 Megabit (128K x 8-Bit) EEPROM 128K X 8 EEPROM 3V, 200 ns, DIP32
3.3V 1 Megabit (128K x 8-Bit) EEPROM 3.3V兆位28K的8位)的EEPROM
CAP-ARR 200PF X4 100V 10% NP0(C0G) SMD-0508 PLATED-NI/SN TR-7 1K/REEL
CAP ARRAY, 2 X 10NF 50V 0508X7RCAP ARRAY, 2 X 10NF 50V 0508X7R; Capacitance:10nF; Voltage rating, DC:50V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W2A; Tolerance, :10%; Tolerance, -:10%; Temp, op. max:125(degree C);
CAP ARRAY, 2 X 22NF 16V 0405X5RCAP ARRAY, 2 X 22NF 16V 0405X5R; Capacitance:22nF; Voltage rating, DC:16V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W1A; Tolerance, :20%; Tolerance, -:20%; Temp, op. max:85(degree C);
CAP ARRAY, 2 X 15PF 50V 0405NPOCAP ARRAY, 2 X 15PF 50V 0405NPO; Capacitance:0.015nF; Voltage rating, DC:50V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W1A; Tolerance, :10%; Tolerance, -:10%; Temp, op. max:125(degree C);
CAP ARRAY, 2 X 680PF 50V 0405NPOCAP ARRAY, 2 X 680PF 50V 0405NPO; Capacitance:0.68nF; Voltage rating, DC:50V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W1A; Tolerance, :10%; Tolerance, -:10%; Temp, op. max:125(degree C);
CAP ARRAY, 4 X 100PF 50V 0508NPOCAP ARRAY, 4 X 100PF 50V 0508NPO; Capacitance:0.1nF; Voltage rating, DC:50V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W2A; Tolerance, :10%; Tolerance, -:10%; Temp, op. max:125(degree C);
CAP ARRAY, 2 X 10NF 16V 0405X7RCAP ARRAY, 2 X 10NF 16V 0405X7R; Capacitance:10nF; Voltage rating, DC:16V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W1A; Tolerance, :20%; Tolerance, -:20%; Temp, op. max:125(degree C);
Ceramic Capacitor Array; Capacitor Type:Chip Array; Capacitance:22pF; Capacitance Tolerance: /- 10%; Voltage Rating:50VDC; Capacitor Dielectric Material:Multilayer Ceramic; Package/Case:0405; Termination:SMD RoHS Compliant: Yes
CAP ARRAY, 2 X 1000PF 50V 0405X7RCAP ARRAY, 2 X 1000PF 50V 0405X7R; Capacitance:1nF; Voltage rating, DC:50V; Capacitor dielectric type:Ceramic Multi-Layer; Series:W1A; Tolerance, :10%; Tolerance, -:10%; Temp, op. max:125(degree C);
Maxwell Technologies, Inc
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